Jang's PhotoShow

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Jang Keun Suk cast for producer Yoon Seok-ho

Actor Jang Keun Suk has been confirmed to be in the drama "Love Rain" by producer Yoon Seok-ho.

Jang Keun Suk is the leading role for drama "Love Rain" due to be released early next year. "Love Rain" is a collaboration between producer Yoon Seok-ho from "Autumn in my Heart", "Winter Sonata", "Summer Scent" and "Spring Waltz" and writer Oh Soo-yeon from "Autumn in my Heart" and "Winter Sonata".

It looks like Jang Keun Suk will become the next 'Yonsama' with this drama like Bae Yong-joon did with "Winter Sonata".

"Love Rain" is about the essence of trendy love that beats time and Jang Keun Suk is a caring art student Seo In-ha.

Jang Keun Suk said, "I've always wanted to work with Yoon Seok-ho whom I respect and like. I think it is an honor to be working with him".

"Love Rain" is aimed to be released in the early 2012 and will start shooting in September.

Source : http://news.nate.com/view/20110809n05001?mid=e0101
Translated : http://www.hancinema.net/jang-geun-seok-cast-for-producer-yoon-seok-ho-32029.html

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

Talk about Jang Keun Suk Plastic Surgary

If around of you asking you,, "Jang Keun Suk ever whether the JKS perform plastic surgery?"
This is an answer which may be can you say...

Jang Keun Suk is a super star, he perfectionist worker, all he was doing in earnest. He always exploration his style time by time for he perform. 

Especially 2004 in Nonstop4, keun suk body more fat than before. I think this makes him look different from now. Jang Keun Suk always changing his style to explore every role he played in a drama and film. Each role very different style.

         Orange (2002)                          Nonstop4 (2003)      
       The Owl Museum (2003)         Love in Pargue (2005)   
          Alien Sam (2006)                        Hwang Jini (2006)

  Crazy For Waiting (2007)       DoReMiFaSolLaSiDo (2008)  

    Baby & Me (2008)          Hong Gil Dong (2008)

 Beethoven Virus (2008)       You're Beautiful (2009)

Itaewon Murder Case (2010) Marry Me, Mary! (2010)      

             You're My Pet (2011) 

All different right???? ^_^
Someone in Baidu explore about JKS pic.. at different time but same camera angle,,,

Above is the result of the comparison. You can judge for yourself. What it looks different or not ... because I can't state whether the JKS Plastic surgery or not, because there is no evidence to date,,, ^^

so,,, you can already answer the question right? ^___^
And always support JKS 'coz he was do the best for u eels... ^O^

Pic Credit as tagged
Article by AshtrieAnty